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Article: Silk Laundry Celebrates Earth Day with Guinness world record holder

Silk Laundry Celebrates Earth Day with Guinness world record holder

Silk Laundry Celebrates Earth Day with Guinness world record holder

This Earth Day, Silk Laundry is joined by Antoine Moses the Guinness world record holder for the highest number of trees planted in 24hrs (23,060), as we celebrate and further the mission of our not-for-profit organisation Project 166. 

Project 166 was conceptualised by Katie Kolodinski & Reece Rackley, the founding partnership of Silk Laundry. In 2020 they purchased a 1,200-acre plot of land, destroyed by traditional farming and logging as the first project location. The organisation aims to regenerate the land and plant 166 trees on behalf of every person they can, starting with the employees of supporting organisations, like Silk Laundry. 

Antoine MosesTo date, Project 166 has planted 6,020 trees, and are planting another 2000 this weekend. The project planting camps are opportunities for our staff to get off grid and do something different while contributing to the overall vision of the business and P166 mission.

This year, we’re excited to continue Project 166’s work with the help of Antoine Moses. Last year, Antoine set a new world record by planting 23,060 trees in 24 hours, planting on average 16 trees per minute in a 100km cut block in Alberta, Canada. As an experienced tree planter, Antoine has spent the past seven years planting his own forest, with more than 1.3 million trees throughout Canada. Antoine views tree planting as an extension of his athleticism and commitment to restoration.

“You’ll see life differently. You realise your day job or school life is, like, way easier. It gives you perspective in life,” Moses said.

As one of Project 166’s founding partners, Silk Laundry is pleased to have Antoine join us and are proud to be able to contribute to an amazing direct action initiative like Project 166.

The first two images are of Antoine Moses planting trees (Photo credit: Antoine Moses). All other photography is courtesy of Project 166.

Learn more about Project 166 and future events. 
Learn more about Antoine Moses. 

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