When I came up with the Endangered Species Capsule I wanted to spread awareness about some of the critically endangered animals and plants living in our ecosystem. Understandably, I can’t speak to all the endangered animals in the world, and just because I’m speaking to the species listed below doesn’t mean any not listed are less important.

Endangered Species
Indian Pangolin
Saint Lucia Racer
approx. 20 remaining
Javen Rhinoceros
approx. 70 remaining
Hawksbill Turtle
Orange Belly Parrot
approx. 200 remaining
Sumatran Elephant
approx. 2,500 remaining
Amur Leopard
approx. 85 remaining
Cross River Gorilla
approx. 300 remaining
North Atlantic Right Whale
approx. 300 remaining
approx. 30 remaining
Chilean Crocus
Christmas Heliconia
Greenhood Orchid
This print does not even begin to scratch the surface of the wildlife we are losing at a phenomenal rate, but it is the start of a much greater conversation. With these pieces, and by highlighting these endangered animals, many of which will be lost forever, I want to raise awareness that the loss of a species also points to a bigger issue within our interconnected ecosystems. Raising awareness is just the beginning. Spread the word and shop the awareness pieces here.
- Katie Kolodinski